These Top 5 Digestive Enzyme Supplements Can Help Relieve Gas, Bloating, and Indigestion

We have identified the key factors to look for in a top-notch digestive enzyme supplement and how you can spot the scams.

Toxic Stomach Indigestion

If you frequently experience uncomfortable gas, bloating, and indigestion following a meal, the likely culprit may be more than just overindulgence or a particular food sensitivity. A digestive enzyme deficiency may be to blame.

In order to extract vital nutrients from the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates you eat, the body relies on digestive enzymes to break down foods into smaller compounds for efficient absorption. However, the body's natural production of digestive enzymes declines as we grow older. Foods are incompletely digested as they proceed through the gastrointestinal tract, causing heartburn, gas, and bloat. This effectively reduces the nutritional benefits of your diet, leaving you feeling fatigued and foggy.

No one can stop the progression of time. However, a combination of a healthy lifestyle and a well-rounded digestive enzyme supplement can support your body's ability to break down and process foods, relieving gastrointestinal distress at the source.

How Can You Tell a Good Digestive Enzyme Supplement from a Bad One?

Recent studies indicate more than 14% of adults struggle with excess gas and abdominal bloating on a regular basis. In addition, the rising consumption of processed foods filled with synthetic additives which disrupt the natural digestive process has only made the situation worse. Perhaps it is no surprise, then, that public demand for digestive enzyme supplements is growing rapidly.

Supplements for Digestive Issues

And yet, not all supplements are created equal. The fast-growing market for products that help relieve digestive distress has lured many companies to release ineffective supplements containing filler ingredients with little or no proof of efficacy. That's why our staff decided to review all the most popular digestive enzyme formulas today and evaluate them for safety and effectiveness. We will show you what to look for, what to avoid, and which products we determined to be the best.

In our analysis, we noticed a number of companies making exaggerated claims about the benefits their products can provide, not all of which are likely. What kind of results can you realistically expect from a digestive enzyme supplement?

When Will You See Results?

The ingredients in most products for digestive enzyme support can provide some noticeable results within 30 days. However, it may take additional time to restore your body's ability to extract maximum nutritional value from your diet.

Research suggests that 3 months of daily use helps significantly increase the likelihood of lasting improvement. Here is a reasonable timeline to expect:

  1. Month 1: You may experience a noticeable reduction in the frequency and intensity of gas, bloating, and indigestion after meals.
  2. Month 2: You may benefit from increased energy, improved mood, and a clearer mind as your body is able to absorb more essential nutrients from your diet.
  3. Month 3: Peak digestive enzyme support is reached. You may notice significant improvement in your overall digestion, which allows you to enjoy meals at restaurants and social events again, reintroduce nutrient-dense foods that you previously excluded from your diet, and optimize your nutritional health.

Tip: For best results, focus on consistency. Adding an effective digestive enzyme supplement to your daily routine for at least 3 months promotes exponential improvement, as each dose builds on the benefits of the last.

So, what characteristics distinguish top-tier digestive enzyme products from the rest of the pack?

The 8 Must-Have Enzymes for a Good Digestive Supplement

  • Protease

    A protease is an enzyme responsible for cleaving peptide bonds within protein molecules, making the nutrients more accessible for absorption by the body. Look for supplements with multiple different proteases, as a broad spectrum ensures maximum absorption at each critical stage of the digestive process.

  • Amylase

    An amylase breaks down complex carbohydrates, specifically starches, into simpler sugars like maltose and glucose that are easily absorbed by the body. Crucial for energy and overall metabolic function, they begin to initiate digestion in the mouth and continue throughout the small intestine.

  • Alpha-Galactosidase

    Alpha-galactosidase facilitates the digestion of oligosaccharides found in legumes and cruciferous vegetables. By breaking down these compounds before they reach the colon, it helps avoid gas and bloating often associated with high-fiber foods, aiding in smoother digestion and nutrient absorption.

  • Lactase

    Lactase processes lactose, the primary sugar in milk products, into glucose and galactose, simpler sugars readily absorbed by the body. With more than 68% of the world population suffering from lactose malabsorption, lactase is crucial to ensure proper nutrient assimilation from dairy and mitigate lactose intolerance.

  • Invertase

    Invertase catalyzes the hydrolysis of sucrose into its constituent sugars, glucose and fructose. Invertase plays a critical role in digesting table sugar and other sucrose-rich foods inside the small intestine, facilitating their absorption into the bloodstream and supporting energy metabolism.

  • Lipase

    Lipase works together with bile excreted by the liver to break down fats consumed through your diet into glycerol and free fatty acids. It ensures efficient fat digestion within the small intestine, aids in the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients, and is essential for maintaining healthy lipid levels in the body.

  • Maltase

    Maltase is responsible for breaking down maltose into glucose. Inside the small intestine, it is crucial for the digestion of starchy foods, especially grains like wheat and barley, and converting them into usable energy while supporting carbohydrate metabolism and overall digestive health.

  • Peptidase

    Like a protease, peptidase is critical in the digestive system for breaking down proteins. Whereas proteases begin the process of protein digestion by breaking them down into peptides, peptidase completes the final step by breaking them down further into individual amino acids for absorption and use by the body.

Perhaps even more important, there are certain red flags to be wary of when evaluating a digestive enzyme supplement.

Warning Signs of Potential Scams and Safety Issues

  • Lack of Clinical Studies

    Be wary of companies that cite the clinical efficacy of individual ingredients within a product rather than the effectiveness of the product as a whole. The highest indicator of quality in a supplement is the commission of a placebo-controlled clinical study for safety and effectiveness by an independent third party. You expect the same high standard of research and testing before trusting a medication, so why would you not do the same before trusting a supplement?

  • Doses Too High for Safe, Daily Use

    Be wary of products that contain large doses of digestive enzymes. This approach often causes foods to be broken down too early in the digestive process and can actually worsen gastrointestinal distress. For this reason, it is best to start with a daily low-dose, high-efficiency formula and slowly take more, as needed. You can always take additional low-dose capsules to increase your intake, but you cannot break a high-dose capsule in half.

  • A "Shotgun" Approach

    Some supplements resort to a "shotgun" approach, including as many different enzymes as possible to create the illusion of comprehensive support. However, many of these ingredients only break down compounds that rarely cause gas, bloating, or indigestion. Not only are they unlikely to provide benefit, they can disrupt your body's natural digestive enzyme production and leave you dependent on the product. Look for targeted formulas focused on the 8 key digestive enzymes that address the root cause of most digestive issues.

Top 5 Digestive Enzyme Supplements of 2024

Here is a side-by-side comparison of the top digestive enzyme formulas available today, which provides a summary of our research and analysis:

Scroll to compare

ElevenZyme by Nutreance
Digestzyme-V by Ortho Molecular Products
XymoZyme by Xymogen
Digestzymes by Designs for Health
SpectraZyme Complete by Metagenics
Key Ingredients
Protease Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Amylase Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Alpha-Galactosidase Yes Yes Yes No No
Lactase Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Invertase Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Lipase Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Maltase Yes Yes No No No
Peptidase Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Safety and Efficacy
Placebo-Controlled Clinical Study Yes No No No No
Low-Dose, High-Efficiency Formula Yes Yes No Yes No
Targeted Enzyme Complex Yes No No Yes No
Other Considerations
No Artificial Additives Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Vegan Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Non-GMO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Made in a GMP-Certified Laboratory Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Made in the USA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scroll to compare

Below, we break down our rankings and feature detailed reviews of the 5 best digestive enzyme products we analyzed, beginning with our top pick.

ElevenZyme by Nutreance
Overall Grade: A+



  • Available online, but not currently sold in retail stores

The Bottom Line

We gave ElevenZyme by Nutreance our #1 ranking because it is the only digestive enzyme supplement that meets every one of our strict criteria.

ElevenZyme was clinically tested for safety and effectiveness over the course of 30 days in a placebo-controlled clinical trial conducted by Princeton Consumer Research. The study showed that people taking ElevenZyme experienced significant reduction in gas, indigestion, bloating, and overall digestive discomfort compared with placebo. (Click here for the complete study results).

ElevenZyme features a targeted enzyme complex with all 8 of the ingredients we consider crucial for comprehensive digestive support, including protease, amylase, alpha-galactosidase, lactase, invertase, lipase, maltase, and peptidase. Each capsule contains the "minimum effective dose" of essential digestive enzymes, providing your body with the optimal level of assistance to break down foods into vital nutrients that are easily absorbed.

It is available on Amazon.com, but we found significantly better discounts on Nutreance's website. The company also offers other products for digestive issues, including a probiotic supplement and a liver health formula.

Overall, ElevenZyme is our top pick for digestive enzyme support in 2024.

Click here to visit the product website.

* Results may vary and do not necessarily reflect typical results of using this product. Please visit product website for more information.

Digestzyme-V by Ortho Molecular Products
Overall Grade B+


  • Contains all 8 must-have ingredients
  • Low-dose, high-efficiency formula
  • No artificial additives
  • Vegan and non-GMO
  • Made in the USA


  • No clinical study
  • Contains some enzymes which target compounds that are unlikely to cause digestive distress

The Bottom Line

Digestzyme-V by Ortho Molecular Products helps promote healthy digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates with a strong cast of ingredients, including all 8 of the essential enzymes that we look for in a low-dose digestive support supplement.

However, the formula also includes 8 additional enzymes intended for comprehensive nutrient absorption, including bromelain, papain, hemicellulase, beta-glucanase, phytase, pectinase, xylanase, and cellulase. Since the nutritional compounds these enzymes address are not likely to cause digestive distress, they would rarely provide any relief except in the case of an extremely uncommon deficiency. There is a risk, however, that these unnecessary inclusions can suppress the body's own digestive enzyme production.

Unfortunately, the product has not been clinically tested against placebo. While it contains the key building blocks of an effective enzyme supplement, its overall safety and performance cannot be determined without a scientific evaluation of the formula as a whole. Since other digestive enzyme products are available which are backed by clinical evidence, we cannot give Digestzyme-V our highest rating.

Click here to visit the product website.

* Results may vary and do not necessarily reflect typical results of using this product. Please visit product website for more information.

XymoZyme by Xymogen
Overall Grade B


  • Contains 7 out of 8 must-have ingredients
  • No artificial additives
  • Vegan and non-GMO
  • Made in the USA


  • No clinical study
  • Does not contain maltase
  • Doses of many enzymes may be too high for daily consumption

The Bottom Line

XymoZyme by Xymogen features 7 digestive enzymes that are crucial to relieve gas, bloat, and indigestion: protease, amylase, alpha-galactosidase, lactase, invertase, lipase, and peptidase. Unfortunately, XymoZyme does not contain maltase, which is critical for the conversion of maltose into glucose so that it can be absorbed into the bloodstream and rapidly used by the body for energy.

To augment this core formula, the product includes 8 additional enzymes with the goal of enhancing nutrient absorption. However, the dietary compounds that these supplemental ingredients act upon are already easily digested by the vast majority of people and rarely cause any digestive issues.

More importantly, many of the enzymes in this formula are present in doses that may be too high for consistent, daily use for some individuals. Not only does this introduce the possibility that the body's natural enzyme production may be disrupted, it can also cause food to be broken down too early in the digestive tract and make symptoms even worse. A placebo-controlled study would go a long way to verify the formula's safety and effectiveness, but none have been conducted yet.

Click here to visit the product website.

* Results may vary and do not necessarily reflect typical results of using this product. Please visit product website for more information.

Digestzymes by Designs for Health
Overall Grade B


  • Contains 6 out of 8 must-have ingredients
  • No artificial additives
  • Non-GMO
  • Made in the USA


  • No clinical study
  • Does not contain alpha-galactosidase or maltase
  • Contains ox bile, which may neutralize the benefits of other ingredients

The Bottom Line

Digestzymes by Designs for Health contains 6 essential digestive enzymes for the extraction of vital nutrients from your diet. Unfortunately, the formula does not include maltase, which helps process complex carbohydrates in grains and fruits, or alpha-galactosidase, which breaks down gas-producing oligosaccharides in beans and cruciferous vegetables.

In addition to its targeted enzyme complex, Designs for Health has included both betaine HCl and ox bile extract. While there is some evidence these ingredients can aid digestion individually, their inclusion in the same supplement largely cancels out their respective benefits.

Betaine HCl is a natural source of hydrochloric acid that can help fortify to the acid in your stomach for more comprehensive digestion. Ox bile, on the other hand, is alkaline and neutralizes the action of betaine HCl, hindering proper food breakdown. Unlike digestive enzymes, ox bile is most effective when taken a few hours before or after a meal so that it does not interfere with the normal function of the stomach acid. As such, its inclusion in a digestive enzyme supplement is questionable, especially without a clinical study to confirm the product's effectiveness.

Click here to visit the product website.

* Results may vary and do not necessarily reflect typical results of using this product. Please visit product website for more information.

SpectraZyme Complete by Metagenics
Overall Grade B


  • Contains 5 out of 8 must-have ingredients
  • No artificial additives
  • Vegan and non-GMO
  • Made in the USA


  • No clinical study
  • Does not contain alpha-galactosidase, peptidase, or maltase
  • Doses of many enzymes may be too high for daily consumption

The Bottom Line

SpectraZyme Complete by Metagenics contains protease, amylase, lactase, lipase, and invertase, 5 of the most beneficial digestive enzymes for natural relief from gastrointestinal distress. This core formula is supported by xylanase, cellulase, pectinase, and hemicellulase. However, the presence of these 4 supplemental enzymes poses more risk than benefit, as their inclusion is unlikely to improve digestive issues but can negatively impact the body's own natural enzyme production.

Each capsule contains high doses of digestive enzymes, which may actually worsen digestive discomfort as they break down foods earlier in the gastrointestinal tract than they normally would be. Rather than providing such high concentrations of a limited group of essential enzymes, Metagenics would been better served to include maltase, peptidase, or alpha-galactosidase.

Each of these 3 absent enzymes plays a pivotal role in breaking down foods into easily absorbable nutrients and directly addresses a significant source of gas, bloat, and indigestion. Without at least one of these ingredients, the formula is at a disadvantage to its competitors, especially considering the product has also not been tested for efficacy against placebo.

Click here to visit the product website.

* Results may vary and do not necessarily reflect typical results of using this product. Please visit product website for more information.


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